Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I have a very special treat for ya'll today! I judged costume contest all of the player pictures posted to Twitter and after discussing with L, I came up with the perfect list of the top hockey player costumes. 

Here is the Top 5, plus a couple honorable mentions! Don't worry, he didn't show Mike Modano in his speedo...

Lets start with the honorable mentions:

Honorable Mention #1, Ryan Kesler

Kesler dressed as Sylvester from Looney Tunes. Overall I love him; he's a great guy, and by great guy I mean super nice and great looking (he takes an awesome nude pic)! He has a  very family friendly costume this year, as he should be with his kids at home!

Honorable Mention #2, Ray Whitney 

Whitney & his wife went as toy soldiers. Someone spent a lot of time making their costumes! A+ for effort (and for being a former Hurricane).

Top 5 

5. Andrew Stewart (EhStew)

Our twitter fave EhStew went as Chubbs from Happy Gilmore.  We love his tweeting, so that helped him in the standings. Love that he posted many pictures throughout the night too! 

4. Jordan Staal & Tyler Kennedy 

L is in love with Jordan, so she'd be mad if I didn't rank him in the Top 5.  J Staal & TK dressed as Lloyd & Harry from Dumb and Dumber.  Love these two! 

3. Derek Roy

Do I know who he is supposed to be? Nope, no idea. Does it matter? Not at all. Any man who can pull off pink spandex deserves to make the top 3! Plus he's not bad looking!

2. We have a tie....Malkin/Crosby

Any other time Crosby would be my number one, shoot Malkin would too, but someone else is well deserving! When Malkin posted a picture of himself and Crosby last night L and I's hearts both shot out of our chest. I can't usually understand Malkin's tweets, but I love him for his social networking efforts and love him more for posting that picture!

Below, is Malkin as some Disco dude and the masked Gladiator is Crosby. Love that Crosby had head protection! 

1. The one, the only BizNasty2point0 (aka Paul Bissonnette)

If I haven't mentioned my love for Biz and his tweeting yet I apologize. He is more than well deserving of first place.  Check it out...

Any man who can look like that in a speedo is well deserving of the number 1 spot. (And yes I'm ignoring his date in the picture!)

I hope this made everyone's day a little brighter I know it made mine! Everyone have a safe and Happy Halloween!

I'm going to go raid the Halloween Candy now! 

Trick or Treat,

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